From Slides to Speech: Understanding Presentations

From Slides to Speech: Understanding Presentations

A presentation is a kind of communication that conveys information from a speaker to the audience through a slide show, a demonstration, a lecture, or a speech in which words and pictures are meant to work in harmony.

The best part about content development is that almost anything can be turned into exciting information. It depends on the imagination employed to transform it and the narrative that gives it life.

The following questions can help you understand the essential components of a presentation:

  1. What do you want to present?
  1. Who is your audience? You should know what information they have about the presentation subject, so you can provide a presentation that will benefit them.  
  1. How much time do you have for the presentation? Knowing about the allotted time can help you manage your time.

The duration of a presentation can vary depending on different factors. Consider the number of informational material slides when estimating the overall presentation duration Don't include title slides in your total when describing length to a content developer, for instance.

Here's a general guide to presentation length:

  • Short form (5 content slides)
  • Standard form (10 content slides)
  • Long form (20+ content slides)
Try to have a Q & A session at the end of your presentation. Keep a copy of your presentation to use it if you have a similar presentation later.
What is a Presentation?

Types of equipment needed for a professional lecture

Now, there is a question, what equipment do you need to give a lecture more professionally and effectively?

Slide making software

Today, new methods are being used for lecturing, e.g., showing slides on a screen. You should use related software, one of the most famous is Google Slides which can display images, texts, videos, etc.

Slide making software


When it comes to presenting a lecture, having a laptop can be super helpful! You'll need a laptop or desktop computer to make a Google Slides presentation. When choosing one, think about the screen size and resolution - having a bigger screen can make creating and editing slides much easier. And if you want to make sure your presentation runs smoothly, look for a computer with a fast processor. It's also good to consider what operating system the computer has. But don't worry too much - Google Slides is a web-based app, which means you can use it from any modern web browser, no matter what kind of computer you have!


Video projector

A video projector is a device that can display your Google Slides presentation on a big screen or wall. This is especially useful if you're giving a lecture or presentation to a larger audience.

Video projector


You also need a screen to show the output image of the video projector.

A microphone is a device that captures sound and amplifies it so that an audience can hear it. When giving a presentation with Google Slides, using a microphone can be really helpful to ensure that everyone in the room can hear you clearly.

A voice recorder is a device that can record audio, just like a video camera records video. When giving a presentation with Google Slides, using a voice recorder can be a great way to capture your presentation so that you can review it later or share it with others who couldn't attend.

A USB stick, also known as a flash drive, is a small device that you can use to store and transfer files between computers. Using a USB stick when giving a presentation with Google Slides is a great way to make sure you have a copy of your presentation in case of technical problems or if you need to move it to another computer. For more details on how presentations work, make sure to take a look at our Google Slides Online Training.

USB sticks can be used for storing and transfering

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